A commonly used form of false teeth, Dentures are removable and designed to replace individual or groups of missing teeth, known as partial Dentures, or full arches of teeth, known as complete Dentures.
Where a Denture is used, the natural tooth no longer exists. This may have fallen out naturally or have been extracted in preparation for the Denture to be fitted. For partial Dentures, the false teeth coexist alongside remaining natural teeth but in the case of full Dentures, the entire arch is made up of the false teeth.
The ‘tooth’ part of a Denture is usually made of acrylic or porcelain and is mounted to a plate made of metal alloy, acrylic or nylon.
If your wish for a brighter smile can be made true with the use of Dentures, it is important to understand the process of having these fitted. After extraction, the mouth and gums continue to shrink and change shape for up to 6 months and therefore an initial temporary set of Dentures is provided for this time frame.
These temporary teeth are often a lot bulkier than the final Denture will be and the fit is less secure, due to the ever-changing size and shape of the mouth during this time.
When it comes to choosing the false tooth option that you wish to proceed with, it’s important to understand the benefits. For Dentures, some of the benefits include:
Dentures aren’t the right option for everyone, but they are a versatile and widely suitable option for false teeth, due to the fact they are a less invasive procedure than fixed options such as dental implants.
If you’re wondering whether Dentures are the right false teeth option for you, there are a few things to consider.
Firstly, Dentures are a removable form of false teeth. This brings with it pros and cons. The removable aspect of Dentures allows for a quicker and more cost-effective ‘fix’ in terms of improving your smile, whilst also allowing you to maintain good oral hygiene by removing them for easy cleaning.
On the other hand, some patients will find the removability of Dentures uncomfortable and may find they don’t fit as securely as other options and feel ‘foreign’ in the mouth, making them feel insecure when eating and talking.
Dentures can be a temporary option, later followed by fixed false teeth such as Dental Implants. However, they are also a perfectly suitable permanent option and can last many years when looked after.
If Dentures sound like a wish come true for your smile dreams, then feel free to get in touch with the team at Wish Dental to discuss the treatment in further detail.
Our team is expertly trained and highly experienced in every step of the process in creating and fitting dentures. A consultation with the Wish Dental team can help you decide whether Dentures are the right option for you and move you on to the next step of your smile makeover.
To book an appointment to discuss Dentures, or any other treatment that may be right for you, call us on 01625 874667.
Our practice is open Monday-Friday with evening appointments available on Mondays and Wednesdays.
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